Redeem your $50 Parents NSW Vouchers!
Enter your Parents NSW Voucher Code here for redemption!
You can now redeem all five of your Parents NSW Vouchers on the same day to receive $250 worth of Symbio Discount Tickets.
Redeem all five to get the most out of your vouchers!
Our picks for best use of your Parents NSW Vouchers
Family 12 Month Annual Pass
(1a + 2c) = $250 (5 x Parent Vouchers)
(2a + 1c) = $270 (5 x Parent Vouchers + $20)
(2a + 2c) = $299 (5 x Parent Vouchers + $49)
Behind the Scenes Experience for two people
Meerkat Experience for two = $250 (5 x Parent Vouchers)
Red Panda Experience for two = $250 (5 x Parent Vouchers)
Koala Experience for two = $250 (5 x Parent Vouchers)
Parents NSW Voucher
Once you hit submit, please check your emails (including junk folder) to view your Symbio Wildlife Park $50 Discount Symbio Ticket. Complete this form 5 times to receive $250 worth of Discount Tickets to Symbio.
You can use your Discount Tickets towards Season Passes, Standard Entry, Children’s parties, and Behind-the-Scenes Experiences.
Once you redeem your Parents NSW Voucher/s via our online portal, you will be able to use the $50 Symbio Discount Ticket to apply it towards online purchasing by entering your Symbio Discount Ticket Code in the ‘APPLY DISCOUNT CODE’ section of our online checkout and receive $50 off online purchases (excludes gift vouchers), or use the $50 Symbio Discount Ticket/s by presenting your email onsite here at Symbio for purchasing (partial or full).
Your Symbio Discount Ticket is valid up until 9 October 2022, so make sure you redeem it for an entry discount in time.